Thursday, August 4, 2011


In less than a month I will be on a plane to Jamaica. This blog is officially closed, for now, but you can read all about my adventures and creative discoveries on my other blog.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It has been over a year

This past January 9th I looked at Malka and thought that it was a year ago that we were arriving in Ghana at the Coconut something something resort and I couldn't believe that that time in my life that had made such an impact was now so far away. I still talk to everyone there, convincing Kofi, slowly, that there are dance companies in America that he would be perfect for, and seeing Sue's shining face on Skype made me jump for joy. I don't think I ever thought that this experience would change me so much. And I am so glad it did. I miss all of my friends there terribly, and I hope to go back there soon... please give me money someone so I can. Because despite all the hard things, being called white person, comments about me being small boobed, the passive agressive and rumor qualities of the country it is also a place that once it enters your body it makes you giddy just thinking about it. And quiet frankly in all this snow and cold... I could use a little Ghana sweat!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I am applying to do a Watson year. This means that I spend the year traveling and studying my own interests and the only rules are that I cannot go anywhere I have ever been before and I can't go home at all. I must be abroad for the whole year.

My plan is to go to Jamaica, India, Senegal, Cape Verde and Greece. I want to look at dance in the creation of identity and dance as an identity.

Ask me more questions if you want to know more. I would love to post my whole perposal, but it is 12 pages long. haha.

tata for now!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

new beginnings?

I am starting a new adventure, its called dance till you think you might die, and then dance some more. Dance in every country you can think of. dance till your blue in the face and your feet fall off. Whatever I do I am not allowed to stop.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I am a very lucky girl

I am a very lucky person for many reasons!

1. I got to have an amazing time in Ghana, full of things that made me not only think about the differences in cultures- and the similarities- but I also got to learn a lot about myself as a person; I got to think about the kind of person I want to be, and how to be that person.

2. On my way home I had fantastic time staying with many wonderful people and I am totally grateful to them for taking me in and FEEDING ME!!!!! and doing my laundry! Thank you to all of you who dealt with my culture shock of: it is sooo cold here, why does everyone look upset or sick, why can't I bargain for my taxi ride? It was a very good thing that I had places to stay; I don't think my culture shock would have gone over well if I had to pay for lodging. :)

3. I am lucky that I have friends that don't mind that I don't have a phone. I forgot my phone in Boston after my rush to get out of the house and to the airport and left my phone at my uncle's house. He is sending it to me, but this week has been one without my phone, which means I am more glued to my computer than ever. That's another thing that is very odd, HAVING MY OWN COMPUTER that I don't have to pay for, which I don't have to borrow, that's portable... it's crazy!

so yeah, these and other things are ones to be thankful for. I am home now, will be all summer, and this is the last posting. I would love to share more of my story, just ask me.

love to you all!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I am a very lucky girl. I want to just state that out front. The reason I am so lucky is that the weather here in Boston has decided to immitate the weather of Ghana. It is warm and sunny here and has allowed for at least two full days of running around outside. Yesterday Patty and I went to the arboritum, the Jamaica Plain Pond, and another pond in which we saw turtles, fish and frogs. Today it's fun with Emma and after some shoe shopping and lunch who knows what else we will do! It has been so nice staying with Patty and seeing her in her real adult life! I am also very thrilled that she got into NYU grad school, and possibly more excited that she will be closer to Bard this following year, thus more visiting opportunities. As always she and I are having deep anthro discussions, mixed with snarky critques of urban outfitters clothes, and disscussions of food so I would say all in all a great time. I have to go but a deep reflection of what I learned in and from Ghana should be on its way shortly!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Hello from NY

I am in New York now, at Bard. It took me all day yesterday to get here, but now I am. On the way to campus I tried to bargain with the taxi driver, and he gave me  a look that said, "If you want to pay 15 dollars or less I can easily leave you on the side of the road and you can walk to campus," Life sucks sometimes! I bought a bottle of water, all the water fountains were broken, and it cost a dollar sixty; I asked the woman selling the water if she was sure! She looked as if I had insulted her intelligence, I had not meant to. 

Life is going to be different. I hope that at some point I will readapt, but I don't know if it will be any time soon. The people in England just looked so funny to me! They either looked depressed or sick. Everyone in western culture it seems is so focused on what they are doing and what is happening for them. There isn't a chorus of hellos as you walk down the street. No one rushes to help of someone trips. Its just strange to be back. 

Tonight is the tent party, so I am excited for that. Its the big party before the seniors graduate, and besides from shocking those friends I have already seen, I will hopefully freak out a few other friends there as well! I can't wait. Then on Sunday I am headed to Boston to see Patty and then home. 

More culture shock stories later!!